Defensive Handgun Class
What to expect:
This course is designed for those individuals who want to take their defensive handgun training to a higher level. Students will be shooting from multiple positions, shooting while moving, drawing from concealment, and engaging multiple targets at multiple distances.
Students will spend the beginning of the training in the classroom reviewing firearm safety and proper use of their equipment. The remainder of the class will be in the shooting range where students will participate in the live-fire portion of the training.
CCW holder or completion of: Intermediate or Advanced Marksmanship class at The Range or a member of the Monday Night Handgun League.
Equipment needed:
Approved handgun, holster and spare magazine/speed loader carrier, 100 rounds of jacketed ammunition. A proper cover garment that allows for safe and effortless draw and re-holster. As always, safety is paramount so all firearms must be of good quality and working condition. The holster must completely protect the trigger guard and trigger.
$90.00 single/1 hour or, $55.00 for the 3-hour class session and the class size is limited to 6 students.
Select a class here and call THE RANGE (530) 273-4440 to enroll in the class.